Marketing, Other, Presentation, Sustaining a Team (Intermediate), Team Organization
FUNdraising Through Cardboard Boats! Presenter: Kyle Hughes, Clarkston Schools Team RUSH 27 Kyle will take you through the RUSH Regatta, which is a unique cardboard and duct tape boat race held annually in Clarkston, Michigan, organized by high school students,...
Marketing, Presentation, Project Management, Scaling a Team (Advanced), Team Organization
Driving Success: The Power of Escudería PrepaTec Presenter: Francisco Guerra (Paco War), PrepaTec In this workshop I’ll share strategies for managing 31 FRC and 25 FTC teams at PrepaTec. Our approach, branded as “Escudería PrepaTec,” unifies these...
Marketing, Presentation, Social Media, Starting a Team (Rookie and Novice), Sustaining a Team (Intermediate)
Social Media and Team Digital Presence Presenter: Tamara Kawa, FRC Team 1967 The Internet is free publicity! Learn about different aspects of social media and tools you can use to improve your team’s media. We will also discuss other forms of team digital...