Project Management, Scaling a Team (Advanced), Sustaining a Team (Intermediate), Team Organization, Technical
Agile in FRC: How to do twice the work in half the time Presenters: Blake Bourque, Luis Teixeira, FRC Team 4909 Billerica Bionics Teams are challenged to innovate, iterate, and compete with tight deadlines. Agile/Lean methodologies, inspired by Toyota, offer...
Presentation, Project Management, Scaling a Team (Advanced), Sustaining a Team (Intermediate), Technical
Maximize the 1st week of build season Presenters: Allen Gregory, Emilio Parra, Jakob Wittry, Mary Nguyen from Spectrum 3847 Join us to gain actionable insights and ensure your team hits the ground running from day one! Kickstart your team’s success by maximizing...
Presentation, Project Management, Roundtable, Starting a Team (Rookie and Novice), Sustaining a Team (Intermediate), Team Organization
From last place to Einstein: Lessons Learned as an FRC Mentor and Coach Presenter: Anupam Goli, FRC Team 9477 In my seventeen years of doing FRC, I have been a student, a student leader, a mentor and a head coach. Join me as I have a conversation with the audience...
Awards, Other, Project Management, Scaling a Team (Advanced), Sustaining a Team (Intermediate)
How to win the Impact Award: Convincing the Judges Presenters: Isriah Keila and Meghan Ho, from RoboLancers Team 321 The FIRST Impact Award recognizes a team that demonstrates the greatest measurable progress toward achieving FIRST’s mission of transforming society to...
Presentation, Project Management, Starting a Team (Rookie and Novice), Sustaining a Team (Intermediate), Technical
How Open Build Blog makes us better Presenters: Emilio Parra, Allen Gregory, Jakob Wittry, Mary Nguyen from Spectrum 3847 How Open Build Blog makes us better Join us for a presentation where we explore how maintaining a build blog doesn’t just help other teams but...
Marketing, Presentation, Project Management, Scaling a Team (Advanced), Team Organization
Driving Success: The Power of Escudería PrepaTec Presenter: Francisco Guerra (Paco War), PrepaTec In this workshop I’ll share strategies for managing 31 FRC and 25 FTC teams at PrepaTec. Our approach, branded as “Escudería PrepaTec,” unifies these...
Presentation, Project Management, Scaling a Team (Advanced), Team Organization
A Student-Empowering FRC Team Structure called “Pods” Presenter: Jesse Knight, FRC 8592 Follow Newton’s journey through the proposal of, planning for, and execution of “Pods” as a way to organize students and new mentors on our FRC team....
Panel, Presentation, Project Management, Scaling a Team (Advanced), Sustaining a Team (Intermediate), Team Organization
FIRST Tech Challenge – More than just an outreach opportunity Presenter: Rachel Moore, Allison Kneisler, FIRST Come learn about upcoming changes to the FIRST Tech Challenge(FTC) program and why you should consider using FTC as part of your FIRST program. Content...
Project Management, Scaling a Team (Advanced), Sustaining a Team (Intermediate), Team Organization, Technical
Team Infrastructure, Workspace & Inventory Enhancement Presenter: Ben Martin, Team 2481, Roboteers Building capability and having an efficient build space are useful tools for having a successful FRC season. This session will be a significant modification on team...