The Three C’s of Coaching and Mentoring:  Caring, Connection and Communications. 


Presenter: Norman Morgan (2468)

As coaches, mentors and leaders, we get the opportunity to empower individuals throughout FIRST with our personal interactions. Caring, connection and communications are actions we can control. Norman will present examples from not only his FRC background but from public education including athletic coaching and student organizations.

About Norm

Norman Morgan, has been a FIRST Mentor for 17 years, supporting FRC, FTC, and FLL teams. Recipient of the 2024 Champs Woodie Flowers Award, Norman founded FRC 2468 Team Appreciate and serves as the robotics executive director for Westlake High School in Austin, Texas. He is also the head coach for Team Appreciate. He leads the planning and execution of three FRC teams and two FTC teams at WHS along with leading FLL outreach within Eanes Independent School District. At tournaments, Norman is the Drive coach for 2468 bringing his athletics coaching background to the alliance. Norman has been a public school educator for 38 years and starting his 28 year at Eanes Independent School District where he was selected at the District Teacher of the year in 2014 and Westlake High School Teacher of the year in 2002, 2007 and 2024. He has served as student council supervisor, coached one act play, basketball, football, baseball, gold and tennis. He has been supported by his wife Jennifer throughout his FIRST Robotics career. They have two children and three grandchildren.