Leveraging Logging & Visualization to Debug Robots

Presentation, Sustaining a Team (Intermediate), Technical

Presenter: James Kuszmaul, Team 971

The season is full of times when the ability to quickly identify, debug, and resolve issues with a robot is critical. Whether it is early in the development cycle when trying to get everything working; during the midnight hours in the weekend before a competition where every hour is precious; or in the heat of the moment at a competition where a minute wasted can lose a match, you always want to able to understand what is going on in your robot. This talk will discuss some of the common debugging tools available to FRC teams and then go through examples of how 971 leverages common and custom tools to develop and maintain our robots.

About James

James Kuszmaul is a software mentor and former student on 971 (Spartan Robotics), has CSA’d at a variety of events over the past decade, and is a Robotics Software Engineer at Blue River Technology.